Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Build Chop Shop in Mafia War

Zinga has been updated new properties in New York, its called CHOP SHOP, i found easy way to build our Chop Shop faster, before I tell you the instructions, let learn about chop shop :

chop shop 1If we collect the other properties, we only get money, but chop shop is different, it can produce variety of vehicle, common or rare item. To build 1 Chop Shop we need 5 different item:

chop shop 21. CEMENT BLOCK (need 10)
2. POWER TOOL (need 10)
3. CAR LIFT (need 10)

So we need totally 50 item, I build my chop shop without buy with godfather point only in 30 minutes. All item i get from free gift but its can be done if we have multiple account. Just follow the instructions below :

chop shop 31. You need more than 1 account mafia war to make it work. If you don't have another account just ask your friend to barter with you.
2. Use my way on the previous post to send free gift into one account repeatly, if only you have 5 accounts or friends you will get 50 items in 30 minutes. Please read here if you didn't know how to send free gift repeatly into 1 account.
3. Grab all item on your mafia gift page by using JGrabAllGifts bookmarklet (http://joshmiller.com/JMWTools.html)
4. Now go to your properties page and build your chop shop.

chop shop 5chop shop 6chop shop 7

chop shop 8Tell your friends after you build one chop shop in 30 minutes, and let them grab the item.


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